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New Home Alert!

Contre Le Mur is excited to share that this wonderful watercolor image by the artist Patricia Barr Clarke has gone to its new home in Colorado!

This wonderful piece was done in 1988 in Damanhur, Egypt, while the artist was there with her family. The richness and colors draw you into the image while the artists brushworks added softness. It is a wonderful piece, and we are excited it found a home.

Even more exciting for us? The home it found is with the artists family who have been looking for it and who were able to share the story of when it was done and how the artist herself came to be in Egypt. As a daughter of an artist who created limited numbers of pieces, I can attest how exciting it can be to find your family members work and bring it home! In the art world, very few artists actually get to the place where they are represented by a gallery, which often limits their larger exposure to the public. It doesn't mean their work is less beautiful or impressive, it just means you likely won't hear about them. Another issue for many of these artists is their "body of work" (how much they created) is often much smaller, meaning you are likely to get a "one of a kind" original.

Sites such as Contre Le Mur seek out those artists to stand alongside pieces from artists you may have heard about, to encourage you to buy what speaks to you, with less of a push to buy who you have heard of.

Congratulations again to the family of the artist! Clifford and Contre Le Mur are so excited this piece found its forever home!


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